Monday 3 February 2014

Welcome to the blog

Today sees the launch of my new blog, we are all recycled, and over the coming months I aim to regularly have features on artists both up and coming alongside established ones.

There will be feature days for creative types of all sorts, from musicians to writers, crafters to photographers, so hopefully there will always be something that interests someone!

If you wish to have a future feature on the blog then please get in touch and let me know, you can contact me on here or via Facebook at

The layout of the blog so far will be on a fortnightly basis, so starting next week the features will take place as follows:

Music Monday - 10th February & 24th February
Writers Wednesday - 12th February & 26th February
Crafters Sunday - 9th February & 23rd February

These are the 3 main features but I will include a feature Friday on certain occasions when there is a creative type to promote that doesn't fall into those categories.

The other thing which will occur occasionally on the blog, will be information from me regarding my writing and the odd ramblings from my scruffy mind!

I hope you enjoy this blog once the features start coming along and remember, it will only work as well as the people that give me input for it, so get in touch if you want to be featured.

Michael x


  1. Great idea Michael.... Wishing you lots of luck and good conversation with your new blog! x

  2. This is awesome, such a great idea! I hope this reaches lots of people and inspires them like it has me :) x

  3. Thank you Shannon, really looking forward to featuring you guys! x
