Wednesday 12 February 2014

Writers Wednesday - Blog Tour featuring Michael Linford


My Writing Process Blog Tour

Having never done any sort of blog let alone a blog tour before, I wasn’t sure what to expect when Tara Ford invited me to take part, but once I launched this blog then I knew there was somewhere to post a few ramblings from me, and here it is!
Tara is the author of ‘Calling all services’ which is her debut novel that’s out for sale now and is currently working on her second novel ‘Calling all dentists’ which promises to be as popular as her first! You can find out more about Tara and her work at so why not pop by and say hello, I must say in a world that can be very competitive, the friendship I’ve received from her has been much needed and appreciated in the last year!

This blog tour involves me answering 4 questions, so here goes nothing!

Author - Michael Linford

What am I working on?
Having just finished writing my second novel, As the wolf howls, I’ve taken a break to allow it time to sit for a while before I go back and start editing it. This allows me the chance to look at it more critically and be slightly removed emotionally in order to make changes.
During my break I’m trying to continue promoting my debut novel, Music for the end of the world, as well as looking at options for what my third novel will be.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Most of my favourite authors have always crossed genres within their writing careers and this is something that appeals to me, so at this point in my writing journey I’ve not settled on a particular genre, opting instead to try and produce the same diversity in print that my ideas tend to take.
For me it is more important to have a good collection of stories when I look back at my books, rather than just one genre and maybe finding I use very similar ideas more than once.
Why do I write what I do?
Considering the variety of genres my stories fall into, it’s quite a difficult question to answer. I would say overall that every time I write, I try to bleed a little more of me into the pages. So whether the story is something very real, or fantasy, I try to have facets of myself in there somewhere.
I find this way of writing is very therapeutic and helps me deal with all manner of issues or emotions that might otherwise trouble me in my daily life.
How does your writing process work?
For me it’s not a process that I force. I have an ideas book which I look through every now and then, until one of the stories starts telling itself in my head, and that for me is the sign that I need to start getting that voice onto paper.
From a story perspective, I always have a firm idea of the characters and where I want to take them, but I’m always open to letting fate take them in other directions if it feels right at the time and I’m not afraid to discard parts of a story and start again if needed.
I have no set space to write in, my first book I wrote either at work or at a friend’s house, surrounded by modern life. My second book I needed to surround myself more with nature when I wrote it, so again I kind of let the story dictate to me where I need to be for the ideas and creativity to flow more easily.
Thanks again to Tara for inviting me to the blog tour and I am happy to announce on here that she will be the first proper Writers Wednesday feature on 'We are all recycled' on 26th February, so watch this space!

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