Ali Ingle
imaginative!! Ali Ingle is a close to home
singer/songwriter from Liverpool who comments poetically on
life. Using captivating melodies and witty wisdom beyond his
years, he gently narrates his emotional adventure through love,
hope, violence and despair. With well observed lyrics and
disarming charm, you will have no choice but to be moved by this
young, brave and most importantly honest musician.
Honest music for a generation of dreamers.
"I'm not trying to change the world or make a
statement. My music is just the ramblings and inner thoughts of an attention
seeking kid who never quite grew up."
Ali Ingle
Ali Ingle
Questions with Ali Ingle
– When did your love affair with music start and did you always know it was
what you wanted to do with your life?
guess I’ve always been into music for as long as I can remember. My mum and dad
were always big music fans so I just couldn’t escape it really. I never would
have imagined that I’d become a singer or songwriter though! That was
definitely something I just kind of fell into. I was always just told to find
something your good at and enjoy, then just follow that to the end. And I’m
pretty sure that’s what I intend to do.
– Your songs are all wonderfully crafted, and range from beautifully
melancholic to poppy and upbeat, are these reflections of your general
personality/life, or just fantastic songwriting?
you very much! I do mainly write from the heart but you have to embellish it a
little sometimes. I do feel my music and videos are a perfect reflection of me
though, I always put all of myself into both and try not to worry too much
about the personal details or what people might think of me. But yeah sometimes
it can be fictional if you wanna write about something that doesn’t necessarily
happen to you. And I’m definitely a dreamer so I’d be lying if I said it was
all 100 percent true. But I think people could probably tell which ones are the
most personal songs.
– Does the modern resurgence in the popularity of singer/songwriters give you
hope that there’s a place for you in the competitive music world?
guess I try not to think about it too much. If I worry about whether I’m gonna
be successful then I’ll miss out on the fun of following something new and
exciting. I never started out with an idea of where it was gonna end, and I
still don’t know which is why it is so exciting. But I guess if you can sing
and write a song then there is always a place for you in music. As long as you’re
not a ‘flash in the pan’ kind of artist and you learn to adapt and evolve to
the market then there’s a good chance of you succeeding. But in the meantime
I’m just enjoying doing what I’m doing. I’ll let future Ali worry about how
successful he’s gonna be.
– Within the Liverpool scene, are you all aware of just how much of a movement
there is growing within that area?
guess you always take for granted the things you’re used to. There are a lot of
great acts in Liverpool and a lot of them are my friends so you become a little
bit spoilt. I do feel that something is going to break soon though, there is so
much talent but it’s just getting it all out of Liverpool to the rest of the
world. Every artist just wants to be heard and it can be so frustrating simply
getting people to listen. The great thing is that we are all in it together and
it gives you a sense of freedom to carry on, like its ok because other people
are fighting for a dream too ya know? We will see what happens but I’m gonna
stick by my friends and fellow artists as I hope they do the same.
– I love your music videos and think they are a perfect reflection of the songs
you write, do you enjoy making these videos and do you have more ideas for the
you, I really do enjoy making videos, I can’t express enough how much fun I
have making them. I am just about to start filming my next two videos ahead of
an exciting announcement coming very soon. I won’t spoil the surprise but I
have just spent every penny I have in the world to buy a new camera so I can
get stuck in! I am even looking into making some videos for other acts too.
– You recently met David Gray, how exciting was that for you and did he give
you any tips as a songwriter / performer?
was at the top of my bucket list and I did it! I actually met him and he was
amazing. A true gent and an incredibly talented songwriter. He gave me some
words of advice about arrangements and writing and told me about his struggles
in the early days. It was just so encouraging to hear his story and that he
liked my stuff. It was such a come down afterwards though, I didn’t wanna leave
his house. He wished me luck with everything in the future and hopefully I’ll
see him again.
– As a fellow Robot lover, I thought your Christmas gig ‘Do robots dream of
Christmas’ was an amazing concept, tell me more about your love of Robots?
it’s so good to meet a fellow robot lover. I just think if you’re gonna do
something then do something original and make sure you put everything into it.
Don’t do anything by halves basically. I’m a big robot fan and a great sci-fi
fan so the name was inspired by the Phillip K Dick novel ‘Do androids dream of
electric sheep’. So i simply combined that with my love of Christmas! It
was great cos I hadn’t done many gigs due to recording and other commitments so
it was my chance to play to all the people who support me constantly. I had to
make it as perfect as possible and I feel it went well. But I plan to do a theme
for every headline gig I do now. I’m working with tilt shift to do a gig in the
summer so look out for another interesting theme!
– If you could perform with any other act, living or dead, who would it be and
would definitely be David Gray. I got to play with him at his house but to
perform live would be immense. He truly is the guy who got me into writing and
singing so it could only be him really.
– What would be a necessity for you on your dream tour bus?
Dew, It sounds kinda hipsterish but it would have to have mountain dew. I live
off the stuff. It’s probably burning my insides but I struggle to go a day
without it. It’s my vice, I’ll quit one day, but for the meantime bring it on.
In fact a Jacuzzi full of mountain dew, with human sized bottles of mountain
dew inside it to chill with me.
10 – What can we expect next from Ali Ingle?
Well I have a big year ahead. I’m gonna be playing some really cool gigs and I have an announcement coming next week that I don’t wanna give too much away about but here’s a clue. I haven’t released any music for sale in 2 years now so it’s time I did something about it….
been really interesting watching Ali’s journey in the music world and
personally I’ve been hooked since I very first saw one of his videos through
Tilt Shift Music on Facebook! I’d like to say a huge thank you to my fellow
robot loving musician and wish him all the best in the future!
for Ali Ingle
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