Thursday 24 April 2014

Feature Friday - Heidi M Illustrations

Heidi M Illustrations

From the pages of my sketchbook my watercolour characters are created.
Inspired by the magical book illustrators like Quentin Blake and Shirley Hughes as well as classical Miniature portrait paintings.

With my pen or pencil I love to breathe life into an idea and watch it unfold onto the paper.
I have been drawing for always, ever since I could hold a pencil. At school I would doodle in the margins of my books and at home I would create magical worlds with words and pictures.

Captivated by storytelling I hope that with each new character there is a tale ready to be told.
I draw away in my studio by the sea in Dorset, surrounded by my cats and listening to Radio 4 plays.


I managed to catch up with Heidi recently, and tear her away from her art to ask her a few questions for the blog.

Questions for Heidi M Illustrations
1 – What was it about drawing that made you feel such a passion for it and want to take it further than just doodling for fun?
I have always been pulled towards drawing. Ever since I was old enough to hold a pencil I would scribble on things and eventually paper.
It’s always been a compulsion as well as passion, I feel like I can't stop as my head is constantly filled with ideas. I wanted to share these ideas but it took many years and long term illness to see that hiding away was like switching off the light to my creativity. When I made the decisions to get out there and share my drawings it was then that I felt I was ready to work on turning my dreams into more than just doodling for fun.
2 – Your drawings have the wonderful ability to be both magical and lifelike, how did this rather unique combination happen or is it something you always aimed for?
Through a process of drawing, experimenting, leaning from mistakes, wrong turns and happy accidents I have come to where I am now with my drawings. I don't feel I ever aimed for anything other than just to learn and evolve. I did always try to shut out the thoughts of what would sell, what would other people like and listen to what I really wanted to create. Right now the direction I am headed in feels true to me but still a work in progress, still always a journey of learning, I do however when I draw always want to try and convey in my drawings somewhere in the spot between reality and day dreams. Real...almost.

3 – What is the favourite piece you have created so far, and why?

My favourite painting became my favourite piece as it came out of long creative block. For ages I just sat there uninspired and a bit lost but I still carried on drawing. This came from nowhere, I felt very happy creating her and decided to keep her and hang her on my wall - I never usually have any of my art around but she was my creative break through.


4 – How and where do you usually get your most inspirational ideas?

My inspiration often comes in the middle of the night, I never know if I am truly an insomniac or if my ideas wake me up demanding to be written down or sketched. (I keep a sketchbook by my bed) Once one drawing is on paper, the rest all comes out, sometimes words too or lines from songs. From here ideas seem to grow. There is also a wonderful source of inspiration near me and that is the sea, I never get used to how magical it is to head down to the beach.

5 – What advice would you give to anyone who enjoys creating art and wants to make more of their talents?

The best advice I would say is be true to you, look to your own strengths and work hard on them every day, be committed to your passion and goals, and your talents will grow.

I started off thinking I wasn't creative at all, couldn't draw and that artists - the ones in big studios with smocks and oils paints were the true talents :)  But from drawing every day, working hard and continuing to be open to evolving, I feel my dreams get nearer and bigger.

The true artist I feel is the one that turns up everyday willing to nurture their talents, even if there head is saying "you’re no good"  You will be the more you try.

Links for Heidi M Illustrations


  1. thank you for such a great feature. I shall be stopping by to catch up on your interviews :)

  2. Thank you for being involved Heidi, it was a pleasure to put the piece together! x
